Week 1-11: Ethics Application

The Professional Practice Fellowship, sponsored by Research Libraries UK and the AHRC, is a grant programme designed to give librarians the time and capacity to carry out significant research projects aligned with their professional interests. My name is Hope Williard and I am one of the fellows for 2022-2023. This is the third in a series of… Read more Week 1-11: Ethics Application

Call for Participants in Research Study about Historians’ Digital Skills

My ethics application has been approved! Now I can get on to the exciting part of my research–talking to PhD students, supervisors, and librarians about their experiences using and supporting the use of digital tools and resources. I’m preparing a long post about my experience writing my first ethics application. For now, please find the… Read more Call for Participants in Research Study about Historians’ Digital Skills

Mapping the New Open: Thoughts from RLUK22

In mid-March 2022, Research Libraries UK held a three-day online conference, Mapping the New Open for Research Libraries. The conference offered a great deal of food for thought about the hows and whys of open research. What follows are my notes and reflections on what I learned from the presenters and discussion. Unfortunately, because it’s… Read more Mapping the New Open: Thoughts from RLUK22