Call for Participants in Research Study about Historians’ Digital Skills

My ethics application has been approved! Now I can get on to the exciting part of my research–talking to PhD students, supervisors, and librarians about their experiences using and supporting the use of digital tools and resources. I’m preparing a long post about my experience writing my first ethics application. For now, please find the official call for participants (as shared on my University’s website) below.

Reader, I’d be enormously grateful if you would share this post with anyone who might be interested in learning more.

Call for Participants

Announcing a call for participants in the research project, ‘The Lifelong Researcher: Supporting Doctoral Students’ Development of Digital Literacies’, which has been funded by the AHRC-RLUK Professional Practice Fellowship Scheme for research and academic libraries.

About the Project

Digital skills are a fundamental part of historical research in the twenty-first century: historians produce, consume, and interact with all manner of information in online environments. This project will investigate the development of digital skills for research by doctoral students in history, through a series of interviews with PGR students themselves and the supervisors and librarians who support them. These conversations will explore what students, supervisors, and librarians regard as instances of successful or effective training and development, instances where current training and development has gaps, and possible future directions in digital skills training and development.

The study is being conducted by Dr Hope Williard, a historian and Academic Subject Librarian at the University of Lincoln, UK.


1) PhD Students who are currently enrolled on or recently graduated from a doctoral programme in history
2) Academic librarians who support doctoral students and researchers in history and humanities
3) Academics who supervise PGR students in history


A 30–45-minute interview, via Teams or Zoom, in which you will be asked questions about your experiences and opinions of digital skills training and development.


To see and share a copy of this information in the form of a poster, please visit

This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by a University of Lincoln Research Ethics Committee. Ethics reference: UoL2022_10058.

To take part or learn more, please email

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